Nissim Lebovits

Cities, Climate, Data
2024-25 Fulbright research fellowship grantee

In 2025, I’ll be headed to La Plata, Argentina on a Fulbright research fellowship to investigate the use of remote sensing for improved flood risk modeling. I have a master’s degree in city planning from the University of Pennsylvania’s Weitzman School of Design, where I focused on environmental planning and spatial analysis.

Currently, I work as a research assistant for Professor Allison Lassiter, with whom I’m building a clustering model to identify vulnerable U.S. public drinking water systems. I also work for Professor Matthijs Bouw on a UN-Habitat project that will help urban planners in the global south mitigate conflicts between urban expansion, climate threats, and biodiversity loss. I work primarily in Python, R, and Google Earth Engine.

I’m the founder and project lead for Clean & Green Philly, an open source web tool that helps community groups in Philadelphia target vacant properties for place-based, anti-gun violence interventions.

I’m interested in using data to foster civic engagement and build more sustainable, inclusive cities. I believe in open-source tech and community-driven work. Check out my work to see what I’ve been up to lately.